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Rosmar Bleaching Whipped Scrub 300mL

In Stock
Code: 2811
379 Kč 359 Kč
C3B6F481 EBF6 4C9A 9301 30D87A8277D8
379 Kč

Rosmar Bleaching Whipped Scrub

Rosmar's Bleaching Whipped Scrub is a nutrient-dense cream containing natural oils and butter mainly formulated to hydrate, protect, and nourish your skin. It has a suitable ingredient that supports overall skin health while extracting dead skin, dirt, and grime out of the skin surface.

Rosmar's Bleaching Whipped Scrub carries A+ plant based extract high in nutritious vitamins and fatty acids to nourish, revitalize, and improve skin complexion. Plus, a double-action denser formula supplies nutrients to the skin and refines texture for softer and smoother skin.

Safe to use for Pregnant and Lactating Mom!